The Personal Touch

Sarah always greets clients with a warm heart and big smile. When she’s not whipping up an herbal concoction or working her magic on her clients, she enjoys going on adventures with her young daughter.

Sarah Becker

Spring 2021: Updated COVID Procedures
Sarah is taking the following precautions to ensure the safety of her clients.
  • Sarah has equipped her office with proper ventilation including a HEPA air purification system which purifies the air 5 times an hour.
  • Sarah is masked for entire duration of her time in the office.
  • Sarah is thoroughly disinfecting her office space before and after each client with an EPA-registered disinfectant.
  • All clients are required to wear a mask to enter building and during entire treatment session with Sarah.

Sarah appreciates your understanding and compliance of these guidelines during this time to ensure the continued health of her clients and family.

Sarah Becker giving a massage to a woman

An Experienced & Gifted Healer

Sarah is a skincare educator and dually-licensed esthetician and massage therapist. An insightful and gifted healer, she has been practicing massage for more than 15 years and skincare and waxing since 2010. Compassionate and sensitive, she is particularly sought after by men and women looking for high-quality spa services — and natural products — in a laid-back, unpretentious, and inviting setting.

Japanese Facelift

Sarah is also the only practitioner in Asheville offering Japanese Facelift massage, also known as Japanese Cosmo Lifting, which is a specialized anti-aging modality that is a natural, non-surgical alternative to a facelift.

Sarah Becker giving a Japanese facelift
Sarah Facial

A Unique Path

After graduating from the Massage Therapy Institute of Colorado in 2001, Sarah built a private practice in Boulder that focused on sports massage. During that time, she worked regularly with professional athletes, including runners, mountain bikers, swimmers, weight lifters, dancers, and triathletes. After several years of practicing deep tissue modalities, Sarah expanded her repertoire and began studying Thai Massage. To enrich those skills, she spent four months in Thailand in 2008 studying with legendary Master Teacher Pischet Bounthumme.

Helpful Tips

Sarah is conveniently located at 43 Grove Street in downtown Asheville between Patton Avenue and Hilliard Avenue. Look out for a gray Tudor-style building with black shutters. Free downtown parking is available for clients in the back of the building. Sarah’s studio is in Suite 6, which is located on the third floor. Unfortunately, there is no wheelchair access.

There is a shared waiting area as well as restrooms on the second floor. For all massage and facial appointments, be sure to drink plenty of water afterward; it will help with detoxification and keeping your body properly hydrated.

Scheduling Policies

We understand that unanticipated events happen occasionally in everyone’s life. In our desire to provide the best possible services and be fair to all clients, the following policies are honored:

Please provide at least a full day’s notice in the event you have to cancel an appointment. This gives us the opportunity to schedule someone else in your slot. If you are unable to give 24 hours notice, you will be charged 50% of your appointment fee. This amount must be paid prior to your next scheduled appointment.

Anyone who either forgets or consciously chooses to forgo their appointment for whatever reason will be considered a “no-show” and will be charged in full for their missed appointment.

Late Arrivals
If you arrive late, your session may be shortened in order to accommodate others whose appointments follow yours. Depending upon how late you arrive, we will then determine if there is enough time remaining to start a treatment. Regardless of the length of the treatment actually given, you will be responsible for the full session. Out of respect and consideration to your therapist and other customers, please plan accordingly and be on time.


A new you is just a click away. Book a session today with one of Asheville’s most extraordinary spa and wellness professionals.