I use raw honey in all of my facials and encourage my clients to use it as part of their home care routine. Raw honey has many benefits for the skin. It is antibacterial, antioxidant, cleansing, soothing, nourishing, and packed full of vitamins and minerals. Honey is great for ALL skin types and conditions. I suggest using honey in it’s raw state because it has more enzymes and active ingredients than honey that has been heated. Honey is great for treating acne, restoring skin to it’s natural balanced state, ridding the skin of dead skin cells, soothing skin from rashes and even rosacea, and boosting anti-aging collagen and elastin. To use at home is super easy, although a bit messy. Just put a towel around your neck, apply raw honey to your whole face, leave on 10-20 minutes, rinse off. Although it’s ideal to lay down and relax while the honey is doing it’s magic on your face, being a multi-tasking busy mom I often do the dishes with my honey mask on. Use a honey mask once or twice a week on your face and you will see the improvements.